Surat Al Fil Arab, Latin dan Artinya

Al-Qur'an Surah | Surat Al Fil Arab, Latin dan Artinya (terjemahan bahasa Indonesia). Surat Al Fil termasuk kedalam golongan surat-surat Makiyyah dan merupakan surat ke 105 dari Al Quran yang terdiri atas 5 Ayat. Surah ini diturunkan sesudah Surah Al Kaafiruun dan dinamai dengan Al Fiil (Gajah) diambil dari ayat pertama Surah ini. Surah ini mengemukakan cerita pasukan tentara bergajah dari Yaman dengan pimpinan raja Abrahah yang bermaksud ingin meruntuhkan Ka'bah di Mekkah, yang dimana peristiwa ini terjadi pada tahun kelahiran Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

Surat Al Fil

Jumlah ayat5
Surat ke105
Juz ke30
Golongan SuratMakiyyah

Surat Al Fil Arab, Latin dan Artinya

Pokok isi kandungan dalam Surah Al Fil ialah cerita tentang pasukan tentara bergajah yang di azab oleh Allah s.w.t. dengan mengirimkan bantuan sejenis burung yang menyerang pasukan tersebut hingga binasa. Teks bacaan Surah Al Fil Arab, Latin dan Terjemahannya berikut dibawah ini :

Surat ke: 105
Jumlah Ayat: 5
بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْمِ
  1. اَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِاَصْحٰبِ الْفِيْلِۗa lam tara kaifa fa'ala rabbuka bi`aṣ-ḥābil-fīlTidakkah engkau (Muhammad) perhatikan bagaimana Tuhanmu telah bertindak terhadap pasukan bergajah[1601]?
  2. اَلَمْ يَجْعَلْ كَيْدَهُمْ فِيْ تَضْلِيْلٍۙa lam yaj'al kaidahum fī taḍlīlBukankah Dia telah menjadikan tipu daya mereka itu sia-sia?
  3. وَّاَرْسَلَ عَلَيْهِمْ طَيْرًا اَبَابِيْلَۙwa arsala 'alaihim ṭairan abābīldan Dia mengirimkan kepada mereka burung yang berbondong-bondong,
  4. تَرْمِيْهِمْ بِحِجَارَةٍ مِّنْ سِجِّيْلٍۙtarmīhim biḥijāratim min sijjīlyang melempari mereka dengan batu dari tanah liat yang dibakar,
  5. فَجَعَلَهُمْ كَعَصْفٍ مَّأْكُوْلٍ fa ja'alahum ka'aṣfim ma`kụlsehingga mereka dijadikan-Nya seperti daun-daun yang dimakan (ulat).


Ayat 1
1601]. Yang dimaksud dengan tentara bergajah ialah tentara yang dipimpin oleh Abrahah Gubernur Yaman yang hendak menghancurkan Ka'bah. Sebelum masuk ke kota Mekah tentara tersebut diserang burung-burung yang melemparinya dengan batu-batu kecil sehingga mereka musnah.


Inch, a unit of length commonly used in the US, UK, and Canada, is defined as 1/12th of a foot or 2.54 centimeters. The term "inch" is believed to have originated from the Latin word "uncia" meaning "one-twelfth," as it was historically defined as the width of an adult thumb. Today, the inch is widely used in various fields, including construction, engineering, and manufacturing.

Inches are often used to measure small distances, while their conversion to the metric system (cm) makes them more universally applicable. At, we provide a simple and accurate way to convert inches to cm and vice versa. Our user-friendly tools and guides make it easy for everyone to use the inch unit effectively, no matter their industry or background.

In summary, the inch is a widely used unit of length that has evolved over time and continues to play an important role in modern society. At, we strive to provide the best tools and resources to help you easily convert inches to cm and use this important unit to your advantage.


A centimeter is a metric unit of length that is equal to one-hundredth of a meter or 0.3937 inches. It is commonly used in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine, as well as in everyday life.

The term "centimeter" is derived from the Latin word "centum," meaning "one hundred," and "meter," which refers to the base unit of length in the metric system. The centimeter is used in many countries around the world as the standard unit of length.

At, we provide a simple and accurate way to convert inches to cm and vice versa. Our tools and guides make it easy for everyone to use the centimeter unit effectively, no matter their industry or background.

In summary, the centimeter is a widely used metric unit of length that plays a crucial role in various fields. At, we strive to provide the best tools and resources to help you easily convert inches to cm and make the most of this important unit.