Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 45 lengkap Latin dan Terjemahan

Isi Kandungan Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 45

Dalam Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 45 ini Allah SWT memerintahkan kepada para hamba-Nya agar mereka dapat meraih kebaikan dunia dan akhirat yang mereka idam-idamkan, yaitu dengan menjadikan sabar dan shalat sebagai sarana untuk mencapainya. Demikian yang dikatakan oleh Muqatil Ibnu Hayyan dalam tafsir ayat ini, yaitu : "Minta tolonglah kalian untuk memperoleh kebaikan akhirat dengan cara menjadikan sabar dalam mengerjakan amal-amal fardlu dan shalat sebagai sarananya."

Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 45

Dalam ayat ini terdapat perintah untuk bersabar, yang dimaksud dengan sabar ialah menahan diri terhadap perbuatan-perbuatan maksiat. Karena itu, dalam ayat ini dibarengi dengan menunaikan amal-amal ibadah; dan amal ibadah yang paling tinggi ialah shalat.

Surat Al Baqarah Ayat 45 Arab

وَاسْتَعِينُوا بِالصَّبْرِ وَالصَّلَاةِ ۚ وَإِنَّهَا لَكَبِيرَةٌ إِلَّا عَلَى الْخَاشِعِينَ




Jadikanlah sabar dan shalat sebagai penolongmu. Dan sesungguhnya yang demikian itu sungguh berat, kecuali bagi orang-orang yang khusyu' (Q.S Al Baqarah : 45)

Surat Al Baqarah Lengkap Satu Surah
Semoga Kita termasuk orang yang sabar dan selalu mengerjakan shalat yang lima waktu serta semoga kita termasuk hamba yang di ridhai oleh Allah SWT, aamiin !


Inch, a unit of length commonly used in the US, UK, and Canada, is defined as 1/12th of a foot or 2.54 centimeters. The term "inch" is believed to have originated from the Latin word "uncia" meaning "one-twelfth," as it was historically defined as the width of an adult thumb. Today, the inch is widely used in various fields, including construction, engineering, and manufacturing.

Inches are often used to measure small distances, while their conversion to the metric system (cm) makes them more universally applicable. At, we provide a simple and accurate way to convert inches to cm and vice versa. Our user-friendly tools and guides make it easy for everyone to use the inch unit effectively, no matter their industry or background.

In summary, the inch is a widely used unit of length that has evolved over time and continues to play an important role in modern society. At, we strive to provide the best tools and resources to help you easily convert inches to cm and use this important unit to your advantage.


A centimeter is a metric unit of length that is equal to one-hundredth of a meter or 0.3937 inches. It is commonly used in the fields of science, engineering, and medicine, as well as in everyday life.

The term "centimeter" is derived from the Latin word "centum," meaning "one hundred," and "meter," which refers to the base unit of length in the metric system. The centimeter is used in many countries around the world as the standard unit of length.

At, we provide a simple and accurate way to convert inches to cm and vice versa. Our tools and guides make it easy for everyone to use the centimeter unit effectively, no matter their industry or background.

In summary, the centimeter is a widely used metric unit of length that plays a crucial role in various fields. At, we strive to provide the best tools and resources to help you easily convert inches to cm and make the most of this important unit.